Advocacy & Allies - Education & Training - Health & Wellbeing - Social Groups

We work with people negotiating their gender, sexuality and or intersex status in Tasmania by providing the following services:
- LGBTI Support - for people negotiating their gender, sexuality and/or intersex status which is confidential, free and can be anonymous.
- Peer Support Groups facilitated by WIO - for young people, parents of LGBTIQ+ young people, people who are transgender, intersex or gender questioning and LGBTIQ+ adults and their partners.
- Inclusive Schools - Our Valuing Diversity framework supports principals, school leadership teams, student support staff and individual young people at school. At the request of the school WIO can provide professional learning, policy support, family support and assist in the establishment of diversity groups.
- Inclusive Workplaces - by responding to requests to provide training and resources to support inclusive practice as an employer, a service provider, a government agency or a company in the private sector.
At Working It Out our aim is to welcome and engage with all those who access the service. We recognise that the culture of the organisation is integral to its success as a community owned and driven provider.
In 2017 Working It Out was the first LGBTIQ+ organisation to receive the Rainbow Tick accreditation, which consists of six national standards designed to demonstrate LGBTIQ+ inclusive practice and service delivery.
To find out more about our services, please visit our website: www.workingitout.org.au