Hours & Info

Health & Wellbeing

At Uniting AgeWell we believe older people, like people of all ages, want to live in an environment of choice, empowerment and wellness – and to access support and care as they choose.

It’s important that LGBTIQ+ people have access to high quality culturally appropriate aged care, and this can be found at Uniting AgeWell (UA). Many UA staff have undertaken LGBTIQ+ inclusive practice training and LGBTIQ+ policy exists and processes are being updated. Our consumer consultation process ensures preferences are acknowledged and people’s decision to disclose information is respected.

UA is the proud winner of a 2016 Dorothies Award and is currently working toward achieving a Rainbow Tick. In 2018, we were proud to be a Major Sponsor for the annual IDAHOBIT Breakfast community event. UA also hosted two pride afternoon teas at Strathhaven and Strathglen in 2021.

Our services include…

  • Residential Aged Care and Respite:

    Uniting AgeWell offers high quality clinical care, allied health, and a lifestyle and activity program, all which enable people to age well. The Department of Human Services determines what you may be asked to contribute toward your care and accommodation. A fees estimator is available from: myagedcare.gov.au 

  • Tasmanian Residential Facilities:

    Strathdevon, Latrobe – Lain Martin 7038 0400
    Aldersgate Village, Newnham – Lucy Walters  6323 8200
    Aldersgate Kings Meadows – Gaylene Morris  6341 1400
    Ningana, Sorell – Mardi Free  6269 1000
    Strathaven, Rosetta – Dana Williams 6208 3208
    Strathglen, Berriedale – Andrew Sajben  6249 8766
    Queenborough Rise, Sandy Bay – Birute Wojcik  6283 4000
    Lillian Martin, Mornington – Robyn Barnes 6282 1111

  • Day Respite:

    UA day respite programs provide opportunities for older people in our community to meet and mix with others through social and leisure activities and outings. For information on costs please contact the services below.
    The Platypus Club, Latrobe – Ria Padman 6289 8800
    Sunnybrae Club, Launceston – Ria Padman 6289 8800
    The Cottage Club, Mornington – Ria Padman 6289 8800

  • Home Care Packages:

    UA provides assistance where and when it’s needed so you can continue to live at home safely and independently.
    South: Program Manager 6715 7000
    North: Ria Padman 6289 8800

  •  Independent Retirement Living:

    These units are ideal for people who wish to maintain an independent lifestyle within a caring community environment. Various locations across Tasmania. Please contact us for information on costs involved.
    South: Leisa Brazendale  6208 3208.
    North: Jane Legard  6341 1400.

For more information visit www.unitingagewell.org, or phone 1300 783 435