Hours & Info
Health & Wellbeing

The Link Youth Health Service offers a diverse range of services to improve the health and well being of young people aged 12-25 years in southern Tasmania.
Services include brief/crisis interventions, practical support, counselling and support, advocacy, and referral. We deliver psycho-social and clinical services including Headspace Hobart and Community Based Mental Health Care Services.
All staff at The Link Youth Health Service have participated in LGBTIQ+ champions training. Our policies that address accessibility for all include access and equity, diversity, anti-discrimination and confidentiality. Our organisation has also officially expressed its support for marriage equality. The Link Youth Service is welcoming of all LGBTIQ+ young people and demonstrates that by displaying LGBTIQ+ posters and the rainbow flag, promoting and participating in LGBTIQ+ events, and supporting and promoting LGBTIQ+ friendly services and groups including OUTspace.
We encourage all young people to access services and support, confident that we are inclusive of all diverse sexes, sexual orientations and gender identities.
The Link was a sponsor of Working It Out's 2022 IDAHOBIT Breakfast and Dorothies Awards.
Website: http://thelink.org.au/
Contacts: Andrew or Bec – 6231 2927