Hours & Info
Retail & Hospitality

We are a local independent bookshop with a great range and we will cheerfully order any book in the world that is available, no matter how specialised or obscure. Our staff are friendly, inclusive and welcoming and we want our shop to be a safe space for browsing, buying, asking questions and finding the right book for you.
We display a rainbow flag sticker in our front window. Our staff are friendly and welcoming to all customers no matter their gender identification, sexual orientation, or other life preferences or choices. We never accept posters or advertising material on our premises that are unsupportive or discriminatory to the LGBTIQ+ community (rather, we have often displayed supportive material -- such as 'yes' posters in the lead up to the marriage equality vote -- even though our space for promotional material is limited). Hobart Bookshop also has stock of books within the gender diverse category and are in the process of making these more visible to customers.
Find out more about us at: www.hobartbookshop.com