Hours & Info
0409 948 172 | 0448 347 933
9am-5pm, Monday - Friday (after hours appointments available)
9am-5pm, Monday - Friday (after hours appointments available)
Advocacy & Allies - Health & Wellbeing

The Blue Door identifies as a safe, inclusive, and welcoming environment and offers counselling to all humans, including gender diverse, same sex attracted and intersex people.
The Blue Door offers counselling to people negotiating their gender, sexuality, or intersex status; support for family members of same-sex attracted, intersex, and gender diverse people; and provides same-gender couples counselling.
At The Blue Door, there are LGBTIQ+ symbols displayed, all staff are comfortable with and have experiences interacting and working with LGBTIQ+ people, and all staff use correct pronouns. One of our staff members has worked with the LGBTIQ+ population for 28 years and has taught inclusivity and diversity training in Australia and Canada. The other staff have taken inclusivity training.
Website: www.thebluedoor.com.au
Feedback Contact: Deb Klye, 0409 948 172