Contact Information
Advocacy & Allies

Promoting an inclusive university culture for people of diverse sexuality and gender identities.
The Ally Network is made up of members of the university community who affirm the inclusion of people of diverse sexuality and gender identities, and provide ‘safe zones’, support and referral for staff and students. Allies are not identified as any particular sexuality or gender identity but are people who value and believe in a safe, inclusive and diverse university. There is no cost associated with services provided by the Ally Network.
The University regularly offers staff and students the opportunity to participate in LGBTIQA+ Awareness and Ally Training. Training is conducted by Working It Out.
The Ally Network aims to:
Provide a visible network of identified ALLIES to people of diverse sexualities and gender identities to be agents of change.
Create a safe, nurturing, inclusive, and affirming University environment.
Build a support and advocacy network through education; develop further awareness and visibility of staff and students of diverse sexualities and gender identities and their issues.
Website: http://www.utas.edu.au/equity-diversity/ally-network
Contact: Christene Sytsma or Jacinta Vanderfeen