Hobart Clinic
Launceston Clinic
Gender Services - Health & Wellbeing

Sexual Health Service Tasmania is a state-wide free service with clinics in Hobart, Launceston, and Devonport.
The service is staffed by doctors, nurses, counsellors, psychologists and administrative officers. The Sexual Health Service provides people with the opportunity to enhance their sexual health and wellbeing.
SHS does not tolerate discrimination, disrespectful or damaging behaviour and has facilitated changes in clinical practice within the Tasmanian community through education and awareness and fostered linkages with stakeholders to embrace advocacy for the LGBTIQ+ community. SHS appreciates the case for LGBTIQA+ diversity and the impact on workplace culture which impacts on the clients that access our service.
SHS recognizes and appreciates the unique insights, perspectives and backgrounds of others and has championed the creation of an environment that builds trust, respect, inclusion and tolerance.
We are aware that Transgender people face a range of challenges that impact on dignity, respect and can have damaging effects on mental and physical health and wellbeing. Assisting access to gender affirming health care can start to address these issues and improve individual and collective wellbeing.
Website: http://www.dhhs.tas.gov.au/sexualhealth/sexual_health_service_tasmania
Contact: Dr Louise Owen sexual.health@ths.tas.gov.au 6166 2672