Hours & Info
Advocacy & Allies - Health & Wellbeing - Professional Services

Relationships Australia Tasmania is a community based, not-for-profit organisation with no religious affiliations. Our services are inclusive of all people regardless of age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, cultural background or economic circumstances.
We aim to support people to transform their lives and their relationships in ways that matter to them. RA Tas provides services and programs at their Hobart, Launceston and Devonport sites and other outreach facilities. RA Tas provides couple counselling for same-gender couples and family counselling for same-gender parents.
RA Tas respects and celebrates the diversity of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans* people, and people with Intersex characteristics, and other sexuality and gender diverse people, their friends and families. RA Tas Commits to recognising LGBTIQA+ Tasmanians in its core values, principles and goals and objectives of the organisation.
RA Tas recognises past and present prejudice and discrimination and fear of prejudice and discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and intersex characteristics. We also recognise the need for cultural safety for LGBTIQA+ people and their families and the impact this may have on their wellbeing and mental health.
RA Tas has signed up with the MindOUT project to ensure our organisation is a safe, welcoming, inclusive and accessible this includes the appointment of a MindOUT champion within the organisation whose role (in consultation with the Director of People and Culture) is to monitor, review and identify that the organisation's policies, procedures, staff skills, staff knowledge, service delivery and workplace environment is respectful to the needs of LGBTIQA+ individuals and their families and to LGBTIQA+ community groups.
Relationships Australia Tasmania was a sponsor of Working It Out's 2022 IDAHOBIT Breakfast and Dorothies Awards.
Website: http://www.tas.relationships.org.au/
Feedback Contact: Kristy Brown, Director of People and Culture (ph 1300 364 277)