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*please note MHCT is not a service provider*

The Mental Health Council of Tasmania (MHCT) is a member based peak body. We represent and promote the interests of community managed mental health services and have a strong commitment to enabling better mental health and wellbeing outcomes for every Tasmanian. Our areas of focus include sector development, systemic policy and advocacy, and mental health promotion. MHCT is not a mental health service.
MHCT's Guiding Principles include a commitment to creating a community free of stigma and discrimination: "We strive toward a society where mental illness is free from stigma and prejudice. We believe diversity should be celebrated and supported in our community and mental health services should acknowledge the needs of vulnerable people."
Research demonstrates that LGBTIQA+ people have significantly poorer mental health and a higher risk of suicidal behaviour than other Australians. MHCT recognises that specific strategies are required within mental health policy and practice to address the structural stigma and discrimination faced by LGBTIQA+ Australians and the mental distress endured as a consequence.
Website: www.mhct.org
Feedback Contact: Connie Digolis, CEO, admin@mhct.org