Hours & Info:
Advocacy & Allies

Kingborough Council has committed to put our community at the heart of our priorities and decisions. We work to three key priorities as outlined in our strategic plan.
These are
1. Encourage and support a safe, healthy and connected community;
2. Deliver quality infrastructure and services;
3. Sustaining the natural environment whilst facilitating development for our future.
We do this through a range of statutory and discretionary service delivery, projects, infrastructure investment and advocacy. These include supporting new residential and commercial development, ensuring connected roads, footpaths and cycleways, protection of our natural environment, ensuring the health of our community, building new facilities for use by the community such as playgrounds, halls and our Community Hub, managing waste, and advocating for investment in our municipality by other levels of Government.
Through our Community Services Unit we support the creation of an inclusive and collaborative atmosphere that encourages all our residents to engage in life in this beautiful area. For example, Council coordinates an active volunteer program, provides grants for not-for-profit organisations to benefit the community, and organises a range of events for people of all ages in Kingborough.
Website: https://www.kingborough.tas.gov.au/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KingboroughTas
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kingboroughtas/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPcb_jcPjHfBfuGCTZpBMpg