Hours & Info
Health & Wellbeing

Holyoake is a leading counselling and education service for people whose lives are adversely affected by alcohol, drugs, gambling or other addictive behaviours.
We offer therapy based programs for all ages. Holyoake does charge a fee for service.
We have undertaken LGBTIQ+ professional development for all staff – the training was delivered by Working It Out. We are currently undertaking external accreditation and are hopeful of obtaining the ‘rainbow tick’ which is LGBTIQ+ specific. All policies/procedures and processes are under review for LGBTIQ+ inclusiveness.
We would hope everybody accessing this service is made feel welcome. We offer confidential, non-judgmental support and help for the challenges associated with alcohol and drug misuse. Holyoake is non-religious and works from a harm minimisation model. We would like to offer our services and contribute to the safety and wellbeing of everyone. This is a safe, supportive place for people to come to.
Website: http://www.holyoake.com.au
Contact: Janine O’Neill – 62241777