Hours & Info:

Advocacy & Allies - Education & Training - Health & Wellbeing - Social Groups
The Aims and Objective of Equal Together:
* Provide a social and support network for all, particularly gender diverse individuals and families, including friends or family regardless of sexual orientation or gender.
* Provide a safe space for discussion.
*Provide targeted information on gender diversity.
* Engage with the wider community of the Huon Valley to educate and inform.
* Organise and attend community events.
* Network with associations and groups locally, nationally and internationally to share best practice and improve outcomes for gender diverse individuals and their families.
* Provide relevant links to other organisations and connections to resources available.
* Increase wellbeing & the sense of being valued.
* Champion human rights, especially in relation to LGBTIQ issues.
Equal Together meet every second month at DS Cafe, Huonville. We meet in an upstairs or back room and welcome everyone who aims to support equality and human rights for all. Meetings are friendly, informal and interesting! Children are welcome. Meetings are advertised via the website, Facebook and the mailing list. We also meet as sub committees to plan events as an when necessary.