Hours & Info:
Payments: 8.45am – 5.00pm.
Building, planning, health and plumbing services: 8.00am – 5.15pm
Health & Wellbeing - Professional Services

Every day we deliver these services plus many more to ensure Clarence is a great place to live and that our city is vibrant, prosperous and sustainable.
Here is a snapshot of what we provide to our residents:
Roads and footpath maintenance, bushfire management, community, land and coastcare grants, multi-user pathways, animal management, development and planning services, community bus, community halls, parks, reserves and playgrounds, tracks and trails, environmental health programs, events, arts, culture and heritage, immunisation clinics, sportsgrounds and facilities, waste and recycling collection, skate parks, stormwater, health and wellbeing initiatives, age friendly initiatives, access initiatives, volunteer services, youth services and programs, childrens services, climate change and economic development initiatives.
Clarence's Youth Centre is based at Grange Road, Rokeby. Childrens Services Office (Family Day Care, Before and After School Care, and Holiday Care) is based at 19 Alma Street, Bellerive. Rosny Early Learning is located at 2C Loinah Road, Montagu Bay. Arts and Events is located at Rosny Farm, Rosny Hill Road, Rosny Park.
Clarence has helped fund and support numerous LGBTIQ+ projects and events including:
- Providing community grant funding to Working It Out in 2019 to carry out the 'Making Inclusion Stick' project.
- Facilitating GLAM'd (Generations Linking and Making a Difference), an LGBTIQ+ project scheduled for June 2022 during Pride Month that will showcase art as well as share stories and life experiences of LGBTIQ+ Tasmanians.
- Sponsoring the 2022 IDAHOBIT Breakfast and Dorothies Awards
For More Info, visit: www.ccc.tas.gov.au
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ClarenceCityCouncil/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ClarenceCouncil