Advocacy & Allies - Health & Wellbeing - Professional Services

We are an inclusive community service that welcomes diversity and promotes cultural safety. Baptcare respects people of different cultures, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, different genders, sexual identities as well as beliefs, ages and abilities. Baptcare is a proud LGBTIQ+ Ally. We have done a lot to make our services and workplace more inclusive for LGBTIQ+ people, and we are committed to keep improving.
We welcome LGBTQ+ community members in our services when you need us for support in:
Family, children and youth services
- In-home family support and practical parenting assistance.
- Evidence-based programs such as mother and child parenting needs, or training to protect young people from abuse and neglect.
- Supporting young people experiencing significant risk due to homelessness, lack of supports, disengagement and at risk of statutory intervention.
Foster care
- Assistance for children unable to live with their parent short-or-long term using approved family carers.
- We have options for people thinking about being a foster carer depending on lifestyle and needs.
Mental health and wellbeing recovery-based programs for people with severe and persistent mental illness
- Long-or-short term outreach support services focused on improving overall wellbeing.
- Supporting people transitioning from hospital back into the community.
- Psychosocial supports for people not eligible for the NDIS.
- Group activities.
An NDIS Partner in the Community supporting people with disability to:
- Understand, navigate and access the NDIS.
- Build, manage and review their NDIS Plan.
- Assist to identify the best supports and provide short-term interventions to children up to 6 years of age with disability.
- Support communities to promote social inclusion and opportunities for people with disability.
Baptcare was a sponsor of Working It Out's 2022 IDAHOBIT Breakfast and Dorothies Awards
Website: https://www.baptcare.org.au
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Baptcare
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Baptcare/
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/company/baptcare
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/BaptcareLtd