Hours & Info:
Advocacy & Allies

The Tasmanian Division of the Australian Unemployed Workers’ Union (AUWU) has been active since July 2020, while the greater AUWU has been in operation since 2015. The AUWU is staffed by unpaid volunteers, membership is 100% free, and our ongoing advocacy and assistance are provided to our members completely free of charge. The AUWU advocates for the rights and dignity of all unwaged, underemployed and insecure workers, most of who access Australia’s punitive social security system.
Currently, the main goals of the Tasmanian Division of the AUWU are as follows:
1. Raise Jobseeker to at least $85 a day
2. Raise all social security payments to at least the Henderson Poverty Line ($85 a day.)
3. Abolish all forced income management systems - such as the cashless welfare card and the basics card
4. Abolish the punitive and exploitative system of ‘mutual’ obligations - including all Work for the Dole programs
5. Abolish the punitive and exploitative system of Job Service Providers
Website: http://auwu.org.au/
Facebook: https://facebook.com/tasmanianAUWU/