SignPost has been created by Working It Out as the go-to online resource for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex Tasmanians, sex, sexuality and gender diverse Tasmanians (LGBTIQA+), their friends, families and allies.
Working It Out recognise that people’s genders, bodies, relationships, and sexualities affect their health and wellbeing across every domain of their life. SignPost aims to create pathways for LGBTIQA+ individuals to access organisations who provide inclusive services and safe environments. Finding the right information and support is essential, but it’s not always simple. SignPost has been developed to provide accurate, constructive and positive information, resources and support and answers.
SignPost is a website that was initiated by the Cradle Coast Authority and Rainbow Communities Tasmania to provide resources to LGBTIQA+ Tasmanians in the North West of the state. Working It Out received a Partners in Recovery Flexible Funding Grant to transition SignPost to a statewide resource.
The philosophy of SignPost includes the belief that every individual has the right to fair and equal treatment, understanding, information and resources.
Working It Out acknowledges the following councils that have provided us with community grant funding in previous years: Hobart City, Launceston City, Clarence City, Devonport City and West Tamar.